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The green transformation of the brucite industry requires the participation of photoelectric sorting

Nov 27, 2024

Liaoning has rich brucite resources. However, due to long-term mining activities, high-quality brucite resources in some brucite mines are becoming increasingly scarce and a large amount of tailings are generated during the mining process. At present, low-grade brucite in some mines has become the main resource. How to efficiently and greenly utilize these low-grade brucite resources and tailings has become a major challenge facing local mining companies.


1. Resource challenges of brucite mines

The brucite mining company located in Dandong, Liaoning, owns a large brucite mine. Although the mine has rich reserves, with the mining of high-grade brucite resources, some brucite resources have gradually been exhausted, and the remaining low-grade brucite accounts for a high proportion. At the same time, it is also to better deal with the accumulation of brucite tailings generated during mining. Traditional mineral processing methods are not only costly, but also seriously pollute the environment, which seriously affects the economic benefits of enterprises. The average grade of the main brucite sold by the mining company is about 60%. Because there are many high-grade ores in the mine, it can be sold directly through simple screening in the early stage. However, with the reduction of high-grade brucite, the treatment of medium and low-grade brucite has become a problem. These medium and low-grade brucite are difficult to sell and difficult to find buyers.


2. The treatment problem of medium and low-grade brucite

Low grade and poor sales: medium and low-grade brucite has low market acceptance and cannot even be sold, and can only be piled in the tailings pond. Sorting is difficult and energy-intensive; traditional mineral processing methods such as gravity separation, flotation or magnetic separation are energy-intensive and inefficient, and it is difficult to effectively improve the quality of medium and low-grade brucite.

Water source, strict environmental protection: There are important water sources around the mine, and environmental protection requirements are extremely strict. Traditional mineral processing methods will produce a large amount of wastewater and waste residue, posing a serious threat to the environment.

Various problems have led to the inability to ensure the stable and good economic benefits of mining companies and the ecological benefits of the local area. In view of this, after a lot of research, comparison and experiments, it was decided to introduce Mingder Optoelectronics Artificial Intelligence Sorting Machine to enrich the brucite tailings and pre-select and discard the original ore.


3. Solution of Mingder Photoelectric Sorting Technology 

In order to meet these challenges, the mining industry finally chose Mingder after detailed market research and technical evaluation. Mingder uses advanced photoelectric beneficiation technology + intelligent algorithm to achieve efficient sorting of medium and low-grade brucite.


Great economic benefits :

The grade of the concentrate after sorting is greatly improved, and brucite with a grade of more than 60% can be effectively selected, reaching the standard of high-quality brucite. This not only improves the market competitiveness of the product, but also significantly increases the company's sales revenue.


Low beneficiation cost :

Mingder Photoelectric's artificial intelligence sorting machine does not require a medium and only requires electric drive, which greatly reduces the beneficiation cost. At the same time, the sorting process is efficient and fast, reducing energy consumption and maintenance costs.


Long-term enterprise :

By introducing Mingder Photoelectric Sorting Technology, the mining industry has achieved efficient utilization of brucite, and at the same time, brucite tailings are sorted and utilized, and more than 40% of brucite concentrate with a grade higher than 60 can be selected from the tailings. Extending the service life of the mine and the tailings pond has laid the foundation for the sustainable development of the enterprise.


Environmental greening :

Since the entire sorting process is non-intermediate, the main process is to sort the granular ore, which avoids the generation of waste slag and has minimal impact on the environment. Tailings can be directly used for mine backfill, reducing land occupation and pollution. Since its commissioning in 2023, the application of Mingder optoelectronic sorting technology in the mining industry has achieved remarkable results. So far, the technology has added nearly 13 million dollers in sales and millions in profits to the company, and has been highly praised by users.


Mingder not only solves the problem of comprehensive utilization of medium and low-grade brucite, but also provides a green and efficient solution for mining companies. In the future, Mingder will continue to be committed to the research and development and innovation of intelligent sorting technology, and contribute to the sustainable development of the global mining industry.

Mingder not only solves the problem of comprehensive utilization of medium and low-grade brucite, but also provides a green and efficient solution for mining companies. In the future, Mingde will continue to be committed to the research and development and innovation of intelligent sorting technology, and contribute to the sustainable development of the global mining industry.

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