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intelligent sorting equipment
  • Market Application and Sorting of Calcite Market Application and Sorting of Calcite Aug 15, 2024
    Calcite is a common calcium carbonate mineral with the chemical formula of CaCO3, which is widely used in various fields. Its crystal forms are diverse, which can be flake, plate, cone, column, etc., and the colors are different, including colorless, white, pink, green, yellow, red, blue, gray and black. The variability and rich colors of calcite make it one of the important ornamental minerals. Calcite belongs to the trigonal system and has a calcite family structure of the island carbonate mineral subclass. It has various forms. According to statistics, there are more than 600 different polymorphs. The physical properties of calcite include Mohs hardness 3 and density of about 2.71g/cm³. It has complete cleavage in three directions and can form rhombus-shaped fragments. The chemical properties of calcite are soluble in hydrochloric acid, so it needs to be carefully protected during transportation and cleaning. The application range of calcite is very wide, covering many fields such as construction, chemical industry, metallurgy, and medicine. Building materials In the field of construction, calcite is one of the most important rock-forming ores and is widely used in the production of cement, lime and other building products. Its addition can improve the process properties of materials and increase strength and durability. For example, calcite is an indispensable raw material in the manufacture of building materials such as limestone and marble. In addition, calcite is also used in the production of decorative materials such as architectural coatings and wall coatings to provide better whiteness and gloss. Chemical industry In the chemical industry, calcite, as one of the main sources of calcium carbonate minerals, is widely used as a chemical additive and filler. It can be used to manufacture chemical products such as plastics, rubber, paints, and coatings to improve the physical properties and process properties of the products. Especially in the papermaking industry, calcite, as a filler, can improve the gloss and smoothness of paper. Metallurgical industry In the metallurgical industry, calcite can be used as a flux in the ironmaking process to reduce the furnace temperature, accelerate the reduction reaction of iron ore, and increase the yield of pig iron. At the same time, it can also be used as a desulfurizer in steel smelting, converting sulfides in molten iron into volatile substances, reducing the sulfur content in steel and improving the quality of steel. In addition, calcite can also be used as a sand core material in the foundry industry to improve the surface quality and dimensional accuracy of castings. Medical field The application of calcite in the medical field is reflected in its use as a source of limestone, which can be used to make lime and then as a raw material in pharmaceuticals. Lime can be used to make calcium agents, such as calcium tablets, calcium powder, etc., for the prevention and treatment of calcium deficiency. Other uses The birefringence of calcite also makes it uniquely used in the optical field, such as for the manufacture of optical instrument components such as polarizing prisms. In addition, calcite is also used in food additives, environmental protection treatment and other fields. In order to achieve the above market applications, calcite sorting is essential. At present, the more common calcite sorting methods on the market are gravity separation, magnetic separation, flotation and photoelectric separation. Among them, the gravity separation method uses the difference in density between calcite and other minerals to achieve separation by gravity separation. This method is suitable for the sorting of ores with large density differences. Magnetic separation is to separate ores with magnetic differences through magnetic separation technology. This is often used to distinguish between magnetic minerals and non-magnetic minerals. Because both separation methods have certain limitations. Gravity separation equipment usually requires a large site, which increases the investment in infrastructure, and the accuracy of gravity separation is not high, and the separation effect is not ideal. Magnetic separators are mainly suitable for finer magnetic particles. For larger particles, the separation effect may be limited. At the same time, the separation effect for non-magnetic ores and impurities is not ideal. In addition, like gravity separation equipment, magnetic separation equipment also requires a large site and requires increased investment in infrastructure. Photoelectric separation is mainly used to sort calcite through ore color sorters. Ore color sorters use the differences in the optical properties of ores for sorting, and use high-resolution CCD image sensors and high-speed computing processing units to quickly identify and separate ore particles. This technology not only improves the efficiency and accuracy of sorting, but also reduces environmental pollution and energy consumption. CCD Sensor Based Ore Color Sorter As an emerging ore sorting technology, photoelectric sorting technology has shown many significant advantages in the application of calcite sorting. High efficiency Photoelectric separation technology can quickly remove a large amount of useless gangue, reduce the pressure of subsequent mineral processing links, and improve separation efficiency. This technology can process a large amount of materials in a short time, and has high separation accuracy, which helps to improve the grade of calcite. Low cost Compared with traditional physical and chemical mineral processing, the only energy consumption of photoelectric separation is electricity consumption, and the cost of mineral processing per ton is about 1 yuan, which is much lower than the average cost of traditional methods. Green and environmental protection Photoelectric separation has zero pollution to the environment and is a greener way of mineral processing. This is especially important today when environmental protection is increasingly valued. Technological progress With the development of computer technology and artificial intelligence technology, the intelligence level of photoelectric separation equipment has been continuously improved, which can better adapt to the separation needs of different types and complex ore structures. Strong adaptability By introducing cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data analysis, the intelligence level and adaptability of the photoelectric separation system have been greatly improved, and it can process more types of ores. High safety Photoelectric separation equipment does not need to add any chemical agents during operation, avoiding the safety risks that may be caused by chemical agents. Hefei Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. has been professionally engaged in the research and production of intelligent sorting equipment for mining for more than ten years. Its ore color sorter and AI ore sorter have excellent performance in the sorting of calcite, especially the AI ​​artificial intelligence sorter, which can accurately extract and distinguish the surface features of calcite and miscellaneous stones, and achieve high-precision sorting. The machine can produce about 200 tons per hour, which can meet the production needs of large mines. MINGDE AI Sorting Machine Flotation technology, as an efficient mineral processing method, also plays an important role in the sorting of calcite. With the development of technology, the flotation methods of calcite have also become different, and we will introduce them separately. Traditional flotation separation Traditional calcite flotation separation mainly relies on the action of chemical agents, including the use of inhibitors and collectors. Inhibitors are used to reduce the floatability of calcite, while collectors are used to enhance the flotation ability of target minerals (such as fluorite). Although this method can achieve separation to a certain extent, its efficiency and selectivity still need to be improved. New flotation separation technology Recently, researchers have proposed a variety of new methods for the flotation separation of calcite and fluorite. For example, some studies have studied the effects of glucose and Al3+ on the flotation separation of calcite and fluorite by means of microflotation experiments, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), solution chemical calculations, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and density functional theory (DFT). In addition, there are studies that use the regulator PDP to strengthen the DDA system, and achieve effective separation of brucite and calcite by optimizing the operating parameters of the flotation machine and adjusting the type and concentration of the flotation agent. Currently, the sorting technology of calcite is developing rapidly in the direction of high efficiency, environmental protection and intelligence. Through the continuous optimization of chemical agents and novel intelligent sorting technology, the separation efficiency and purity of calcite have been significantly improved, which is of great significance for improving the utilization efficiency of mineral resources and promoting the sustainable development of the mining industry. In the future, with the continuous advancement of science and technology, the sorting technology of calcite is expected to achieve more innovations and breakthroughs. Overall, as a multifunctional mineral, calcite has a wide range of applications. With the continuous development of science and technology, the application areas of calcite will continue to expand, bringing more convenience and contribution to human production and life.
  • Industrial Use and Sorting of Gypsum Industrial Use and Sorting of Gypsum Aug 17, 2024
    Gypsum is a non-metallic mineral with calcium sulfate as the main component. It is usually white or colorless transparent crystals and has a wide range of application value. The formation of gypsum is closely related to geological action and is usually formed in a sedimentary environment or hydrothermal activity. In a sedimentary environment, gypsum can be precipitated from calcium sulfate in seawater or lake water; in hydrothermal activity, gypsum can be formed by cooling and crystallizing hydrothermal fluid containing calcium sulfate underground. Formation process According to the genesis and mineral composition of gypsum, it can be divided into sedimentary gypsum, hydrothermal gypsum and replacement gypsum. Among them, sedimentary gypsum is the most common type, with layered, quasi-layered and lens-shaped forms. Gypsum is widely distributed around the world, especially in Asia, Europe and North America, where reserves and production are relatively concentrated. Asia is one of the main distribution areas of gypsum, especially China, Iran and Thailand, which have more gypsum resources. China has abundant gypsum resources, which are distributed in many provinces across the country. Among them, Shandong Province has particularly outstanding gypsum ore reserves, accounting for 65% of the country's total reserves. Europe is also an important distribution area for gypsum mines. France, Germany, Spain and other countries have a large number of gypsum mine resources. Among these countries, France's gypsum mine production ranks among the top in Europe. North America, especially the United States, is one of the world's largest gypsum producers. The gypsum deposits in the United States are distributed in 22 states, with a total of 69 mines, and the largest production area is Fort Dodge, Iowa. In addition to the above-mentioned regions, countries such as Australia, India and the United Kingdom also have a certain scale of gypsum mine resources. The main component of gypsum ore is calcium sulfate (CaSO4), which usually exists in the form of dihydrate, that is, gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O). Gypsum belongs to the orthorhombic crystal system, and the crystals are plate-shaped or fibrous. The chemical properties of gypsum are stable and it is not easy to react chemically with other substances. However, at high temperatures, gypsum can react with alumina to form calcium aluminum silicate and other compounds. In addition, gypsum can react with acidic substances such as hydrochloric acid to produce sulfur dioxide gas and water. The solubility of gypsum decreases with increasing temperature. It has a low solubility in water, but can be dissolved by acids, ammonium salts, sodium thiosulfate and glycerol. When gypsum is heated at different temperatures, there are three stages of expelling crystal water: 105~180℃, first one water molecule is expelled, and then half of the water molecule is immediately expelled, turning into calcined gypsum, also known as gypsum or semi-hydrated gypsum. 200~220℃, the remaining half of the water molecule is expelled and turned into type III anhydrite. At about 350℃, it turns into type II gypsum Ca[SO4]. At 1120℃, it further turns into type I anhydrite. Melting temperature is 1450℃. The microporous structure and heating dehydration of gypsum and its products make it have excellent sound insulation, heat insulation and fire resistance. As a multifunctional mineral, gypsum is widely used in construction, medicine, agriculture, chemical industry and many other fields. Gypsum plays an important role in the medical, construction, sculpture and other industries with its excellent properties, such as good plasticity, stability, high thermal stability and chemical stability. In the field of construction, gypsum is mainly used for indoor partitions, ceilings, wall materials, etc. Gypsum board is widely used because of its light weight, high strength and easy processing. It can be used as a partition wall, interior wall material, and can also be used to make furniture. In addition, gypsum blocks are also a lightweight and environmentally friendly building material suitable for partition walls and interior walls. In the medical field, gypsum is used to make plaster bandages, fixtures, etc. The fast coagulation and hardening and fast strength growth of gypsum make it an ideal material for post-fracture fixation. In the chemical industry, gypsum can be used as a raw material for the production of sulfuric acid and cement, and can also be used as a quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer in fertilizer production. In addition, gypsum can also be used as a chemical filler in the industrial production of plastics, rubber, coatings, etc. In the agricultural field, medium gypsum can be used as a soil conditioner to adjust the pH of the soil and improve the fertility of the soil. Gypsum is also used in the field of sculpture, and artists use the plasticity of gypsum to create various works of art. In food processing, gypsum powder can be used as a food additive for tofu making, tablet production, etc. With the advancement of science and technology and in-depth research on the properties of gypsum, the application field of gypsum is still expanding. It is particularly noteworthy that as a renewable resource, the use of gypsum in building materials increasingly emphasizes environmental protection and sustainability. For example, industrial by-product gypsum such as desulfurized gypsum and phosphogypsum are reused in building materials, which not only reduces the generation of waste, but also promotes the recycling of resources. There are two main methods of mining gypsum mines: open-pit mining and underground mining. Open-pit mining is suitable for shallow and large-scale deposits. The ore is mined by stripping the covering and mining operations. Underground mining is suitable for deep and small-scale deposits. The ore is mined by opening up tunnels and mining operations. The processing of gypsum mines mainly includes crushing, beneficiation, grinding, calcination and other processes. Crushing is to break the raw ore into small pieces. Crusher such as jaw crusher is used to break the ore into small pieces for subsequent processing. The sorting process of gypsum ore includes many methods: Manual sorting: suitable for small-scale and low-production mining enterprises. Workers sort according to the color and shape of the ore. Heavy medium separation: sorting according to the density difference between the ore particles, suitable for the sorting of coarse-grained gypsum ore. Flotation method: sorting by using the difference in physical and chemical properties between gypsum ore and impurities. By adding flotation agent, gypsum ore floats to the surface of the slurry under the action of bubbles and is separated from impurities. Photoelectric separation: sorting by using the difference in optical properties between ore and impurities. Useful ore and waste rock are separated by photoelectric separator. This method has the advantages of high efficiency and precision, and is suitable for large-scale and high-precision occasions. CCD Sensor Based Ore Color Sorting Machine Mingde Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. was established in 2014. For more than 10 years, it has been professionally developing, designing, manufacturing and selling intelligent sorting equipment for mining. The ore color sorters and artificial intelligence sorters it produces can accurately sort gypsum ore. AI Sorting Machine Among them, the AI ore sorter introduces artificial intelligence technology and big data technology in the field of optoelectronics. It accurately extracts the surface features of ore and impurities such as texture, gloss, shape, color, etc., and forms a model through deep learning. In the subsequent sorting process, the sorted ore is compared and identified, instructions are issued, and pneumatic force is used for precise separation. Practice has proved that the sorting effect of AI intelligent sorting machine is far better than that of traditional optoelectronic ore sorting machine. Heavy Duty AI Ore Sorting Machine Grinding is a step to further reduce the particle size of gypsum to meet the needs of subsequent processing or application. It is usually carried out using equipment such as ball mills. Calcination is to remove moisture and impurities in gypsum and improve its purity and stability. The calcination process includes dry and wet methods. The appropriate process can be selected according to different needs and product requirements. With the advancement of science and technology, especially the development of optoelectronic mineral processing technology, the sorting efficiency and accuracy of gypsum ore have been significantly improved. As a versatile building material, gypsum plays an indispensable role in many fields of modern society. From construction to medicine, to chemical industry and agriculture, the application of gypsum shows its diversity and practicality. With the deepening of gypsum research, the application of gypsum may be more extensive in the future, and it will also pay more attention to environmental protection and sustainability.
  • How to Reduce the Ignition Loss of Ore? How to Reduce the Ignition Loss of Ore? Aug 17, 2024
    The ignition loss of ore refers to the mass percentage of water and other volatile components lost by ore under specific conditions. This indicator is of great significance for understanding the quality of ore, estimating energy consumption and by-product emissions during smelting. Different types of ores have different ignition loss standards and methods, such as phosphate ore, iron ore, aluminum ore, etc. Their determination methods may involve weight method, burning method, etc. The weight method is the most commonly used method for determining the ignition loss of ore. This method calculates the ignition loss based on the difference between the mass lost by the sample after burning under high temperature conditions and the mass of the original sample. The specific operation steps include sample preparation, drying, burning, cooling and weighing, and calculating the ignition loss. There are many international standards that specify the determination method of ignition loss of ore, such as ISO 11536:2015, GB/T 6730.68-2009, GB/T 3257.21-1999, etc. These standards specify in detail the requirements for experimental equipment, sample preparation, experimental operation steps, calculation of results and assessment of uncertainty to ensure the accuracy and repeatability of measurement results. Reducing the ore loss on ignition can directly increase the recovery rate of ore, increase the amount of available resources, and thus improve the economic benefits of the enterprise. The reduction in ore loss on ignition means that more valuable ore is recycled, which not only increases the output of the enterprise, but also reduces the production cost of unit products and increases the profit margin. Reducing the ore loss on ignition helps to reduce environmental damage and pollution. The loss on ignition during ore mining and processing often causes a large amount of solid waste, which, if improperly handled, will pollute the land, water and air. Reducing the loss on ignition means reducing the generation of these wastes, thereby reducing the burden on the environment. From the perspective of social responsibility, reducing the ore loss on ignition reflects the company's responsible attitude towards society and the environment. Rational use of resources and reduction of resource waste are in line with the concept of sustainable development, which helps companies establish a good social image and win the respect and support of society. So how should we reduce the ore loss on ignition? First of all, from the perspective of mining technology, reducing the loss on ore can be done from the following aspects: Strengthen geological data management: timely geological sampling and geological sketch compilation, provide reliable original data for mining design and production, correctly define the mining scope, reduce ore loss and rock mixing. Rationally select development methods and mining methods: select mining methods suitable for the conditions of ore body occurrence, such as segmented open-pit method, filling method, etc., to reduce ore loss and dilution. Improve the technical operation level of operators: strengthen technical training and education of employees to improve their operating skills and management capabilities. Optimize the structural parameters of the mining field: reasonably determine the structural parameters such as the length, width, and height of the mining field to improve the stability and recovery rate of the mining field. Strengthen geological exploration work: use high-precision three-dimensional geological modeling, geophysical exploration and other technical means to accurately locate and delineate the ore body, and provide accurate basis for mining design. In terms of mineral processing technology, the following are some technical measures to reduce the loss on ore: Introduce advanced mineral processing technology and equipment: such as high-efficiency flotation machines, magnetic separators, etc., to improve mineral processing efficiency and concentrate quality. Optimize the mineral processing process: strengthen mineral processing test research, carry out multi-scheme mineral processing tests, and determine the best mineral processing process parameters and reagent system. Use new gravity separation equipment: such as centrifugal concentrators, high-frequency screens and spiral chutes, etc., to improve the concentrate grade and reduce metal loss in tailings. Breakthrough and development of magnetic separation technology: use strong magnetic separation and high-gradient magnetic separation technology to improve the concentrate grade and reduce the cost in the mineral processing process. Optimization of flotation process: improve the flotation effect by optimizing the type and ratio of flotation agents and using new flotation equipment. Intelligent mineral processing technology also shows great potential in reducing the loss on ignition of ore: Ore characteristic detection technology: obtain various parameters of ore through high-precision detection equipment to provide data support for subsequent intelligent sorting. Intelligent sorting technology: including image recognition sorting, photoelectric sorting, vibration sorting, etc. These technologies can realize the automatic identification, classification and separation of minerals and improve the efficiency and quality of mineral processing. CCD Sensor Based Ore Color Sorting Machine Automatic control technology: By real-time monitoring of various indicators in the mineral processing process, the automatic control of the production process is realized, and the mineral processing efficiency and safety are improved. Data processing and analysis technology: By mining and analyzing a large amount of production data, the mineral processing process is optimized and the mineral processing effect is improved. AI Intelligent Mineral Ore Sorting Machine Taking the intelligent sorting of wollastonite as an example, a large wollastonite enterprise has achieved accurate sorting of wollastonite ore by introducing photoelectric AI sorting equipment. On the premise of ensuring that the loss on ignition of the finished product is less than 4.5%, the concentrate yield is guaranteed as much as possible. After sorting by the photoelectric AI sorting machine, the loss on ignition of the finished product is controlled at about 4.4%, and the loss on ignition of the tailings is higher than 10%. This shows that by properly adjusting the operating parameters, the loss on ignition can be effectively reduced while ensuring the sorting accuracy. AI Sorting Machine Sparate Pegmatite Quartz Hefei Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. has been focusing on the production of intelligent sorting equipment for more than ten years. The photoelectric sorting equipment it produces has introduced artificial intelligence technology and big data technology. It can automatically identify and classify minerals by extracting the surface characteristics of minerals, realize accurate sorting of raw ores, and effectively reduce the loss on ignition. Heavy Duty AI Ore Sorting Machine In general, reducing the loss on ignition of ore requires comprehensive consideration from multiple aspects such as mining process optimization, mineral processing process innovation and optimization, and the application of intelligent mineral processing technology. Through these methods, not only can resource utilization be improved, but also environmental pollution can be reduced, economic benefits can be improved, and a solid foundation can be laid for the sustainable development of the mining industry. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, we have reason to believe that the future mining industry will be more efficient, environmentally friendly and intelligent.
  • Industrial Application and Sorting Method of Brucite Industrial Application and Sorting Method of Brucite Aug 20, 2024
    I. Overview Today we will learn about brucite. Brucite is an important non-metallic mineral, belonging to the hydroxide ore. Its main component is magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2), which is one of the minerals with a high magnesium content in nature. II. Morphology and Characteristics Brucite is usually a flake or fibrous aggregate, mostly white or light green, colorless and transparent, with glass luster and pearl luster. Its hardness is about 2.5-3, and its relative density is in the range of 2.369-2.39. The chemical properties of brucite are stable, it is easily soluble in hydrochloric acid, it can release water vapor when heated, and it can be converted into other forms of magnesium compounds under certain conditions. III. World Distribution The distribution of brucite in the world is not uniform, mainly concentrated in the following countries and regions: China: China is one of the countries with the richest brucite resources in the world, especially in Fengcheng, Liaoning, Ningqiang, Shaanxi, Ji'an, Jilin, Qilian Mountains, Qinghai, Shimian, Sichuan, Xixia, Henan, and Kuandian, Liaoning. Among them, Liaoning Fengcheng has the highest reserves, reaching 10 million tons, Shaanxi Ningqiang area has proven brucite reserves of 7.8 million tons, and Jilin Ji'an has proven brucite reserves of 2 million tons. Russia: Russia is also a country with abundant brucite resources, especially in the Kulidur area in the south of Xiaoxing'anling, where there are large-scale brucite deposits. Canada: Canada's brucite resources are mainly distributed in Ontario, Quebec and other places. The United States: The brucite resources in the United States are mainly distributed in Nevada, Texas and other places. North Korea: North Korea's brucite resources are mainly distributed in the Bokionton area. Norway: Norway's brucite resources are also distributed to a certain extent. IV. Market Application Brucite has a wide range of applications in many fields due to its unique physical and chemical properties, especially in refractory materials, environmental protection, chemical industry and other fields, showing great potential. In the field of refractory materials, brucite is widely used in the production of refractory materials such as refractory bricks, refractory coatings and lining materials due to its high magnesium content and good refractoriness. Especially in the steel industry, heavy-burned magnesia (brucite) made of brucite is widely used due to its high density (>3.55 g/cm³) and high refractoriness (>2800°C). In the field of environmental protection, brucite can be used for wastewater treatment, especially for the removal of heavy metal ions such as nickel, copper, cadmium, manganese and chromium. In addition, it can also be used as a neutralizing agent for acidic wastewater, and there is a great demand for treating soil contaminated by acid rain and adjusting soil pH. Brucite can also be used as a flue gas desulfurization agent to reduce the harm of high mercury and high sulfur fuels to the environment. In the field of chemical products, brucite can be used as filler and coating for chemical products, especially in the papermaking industry, brucite can be used as filler to improve the whiteness and quality of paper. In addition, brucite also has important applications in the preparation of magnesium chloride, magnesium oxide, etc. In the field of flame retardant materials, brucite is used as a flame retardant in the plastics industry due to its halogen-free, non-toxic and highly efficient flame retardant properties. It can effectively absorb heat, reduce the temperature of the combustion system, and slow down the burning rate of the material. The flame retardant mechanism of brucite is that it decomposes and releases crystal water at high temperature, absorbs heat, and reduces the concentration of combustible gas, thereby playing a flame retardant role. In other fields, brucite is also widely used.Brucite is also used to prepare various composite materials, such as composite materials combined with silicon, phosphorus, nitrogen and other elements to improve their performance. In agriculture, brucite can be used to treat beet juice as a decolorizer. In addition, brucite can also be used as a catalyst carrier and catalyst to play a role in chemical reactions. V. Purity and Quality Determination of Brucite As an important industrial mineral, its purity and quality are directly related to the performance and quality of the final product. High-purity brucite can not only improve the performance and quality of the product, but also reduce production costs and improve the market competitiveness of enterprises. Therefore, ensuring the purity and quality of brucite is an important prerequisite for the development of the industry. Generally, brucite can be divided into three grades according to the content of magnesium oxide, as shown in the figure below: VI. Sorting Method The sorting technology of brucite has experienced a development process from traditional hand sorting to mechanical sorting, and then to modern photoelectric sorting and artificial intelligence sorting. In the early days, due to the similar physical and chemical properties of brucite and associated minerals, traditional physical methods were difficult to achieve effective separation. Subsequently, the development of photoelectric mineral processing technology provided new possibilities for the sorting of brucite. By identifying the surface features of the ore such as color and texture, automatic sorting can be achieved to a certain extent. In recent years, with the development of artificial intelligence technology, intelligent sorting equipment can achieve more accurate sorting by learning and identifying the characteristics of the ore. At present, the sorting technology of brucite mainly includes the following aspects: Gravity separation and magnetic separation technology: physical separation is carried out by using the density and magnetic difference between brucite and impurities. Chemical purification method: synthesize brucite through chemical reaction, remove impurities and improve purity. Flotation separation technology: By adding specific adjusters, such as PCE-11 and PDP to strengthen the DDA system, the floatability difference between brucite and serpentine in the flotation process can be expanded to achieve effective separation. Intelligent identification and sorting technology: By introducing advanced image recognition technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, brucite can be efficiently and accurately graded, impurities can be removed, and the quality of the original ore can be improved. For example, the intelligent sorting equipment developed by Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. can perform multi-dimensional feature recognition and sorting of ores in different size ranges through optoelectronic systems and artificial intelligence algorithms, greatly improving the accuracy and efficiency of sorting. AI Intelligent Mineral Sorting Machine Since its establishment in 2014, Hefei Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. has been professionally researching, producing and selling mining optoelectronic sorting equipment. The staff went deep into mines across China to investigate the difficulties and pain points of mining sorting problems, and developed a batch of precise sorting optoelectronic ore sorting equipment. Among them, the AI ​​intelligent sorting machine has high sorting accuracy and large sorting volume, which is very popular in the market and has significant effects on the sorting application of brucite. In general, brucite sorting technology is developing rapidly towards higher efficiency, lower cost and more environmental protection. With the continuous improvement and promotion of technology, brucite is expected to play a greater role in industrial applications in the future.

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