لافتة الصفحة الداخلية
آلة الفرز الذكية للأشعة السينية
  • تساهم تقنية الفصل الكهروضوئي في إدارة مخاطر المخلفات تساهم تقنية الفصل الكهروضوئي في إدارة مخاطر المخلفات Nov 22, 2022
    تساهم تقنية الفصل الكهروضوئي في إدارة مخاطر المخلفاتفي بداية نوفمبر، أصدرت إدارة الدولة لسلامة المناجم إشعار بالخطة الشاملة لإدارة المخاطر الخفية في مكامن المخلفاتفي ضوء المخاطر الخفية لمعالجة المشاكل في بركة المخلفات، تطرح الورقة مبدأ تنظيم وتنفيذ التدابير وفقا للظروف المحلية، والتدابير الشاملة، وإبراز النقاط الرئيسية وتنفيذها خطوة بخطوة، وإغلاق البركة وإلغاء العدد، والقضاء على المخاطر، والاضطلاع بالمسؤولية، وتعزيز الإدارة، والنظر في الكل والتقدم بشكل شامل، وفقا لمستوى المخاطر، والقيام بإدارة مخاطر بركة المخلفات على دفعات وسنوات، والسعي للوصول إلى تم الانتهاء من مستوى 2026، وحوالي 200 "مستودع علوي"، و700 مستودع بدون هيئة رئيسية للإنتاج والتشغيل، ومستودعات مخلفات المخلفات الخفية عالية المخاطر البائدة على المدى الطويل في جميع أنحاء البلاد.وفقا لإحصاءات غير كاملة، في الوقت الحاضر مخلفات بلدنا وحالة مخزون كومة الصخور النفايات، والمناجم غير المعدنية (باستثناء تعدين الفحم) كل عام حوالي 1 مليار طن من النفايات الصخرية، المتراكمة أكثر من 10 مليار طن؛ في كل عام، يتم إضافة حوالي 3 مليارات طن من النفايات الصخرية إلى مناجم المعادن، وقد وصل المخزون التراكمي للنفايات الصلبة الصناعية مثل النفايات الصخرية والمخلفات إلى أكثر من 70 مليار طن، وهو في تزايد مستمر. إذا لم يكن من الممكن تفريغ النفايات الصلبة الناتجة عن المناجم وتخزينها بطريقة علمية، فإنها ستدمر الغابات، وتحتل الأراضي، وتلوث المياه والبيئة، بل وتتسبب في حوادث خطيرة تتعلق بالسلامة.في الوقت الحاضر، في ضوء المخلفات وصخور النفايات، يمكن تقليل توليد واستخدام المخلفات وصخور النفايات قدر الإمكان في رابط الإنتاج عن طريق المصدر المفتوح والاختناق، والمخلفات الموجودة وصخور النفايات من خلال كيفية استخدامها لتحقيق الاستفادة.استغلال المخلفاتوالهدف الأساسي من ذلك هو تعزيز استعادة المكونات عالية القيمة في المخلفات، وتعزيز الفوائد الاقتصادية للمخلفات.1) يتم فصل المخلفات بواسطة معدات الفصل الكهروضوئية. على أساس زيادة نسبة الاستخدام الشامل للمخلفات بشكل كبير، يتم إثراء المخلفات للخامات المعدنية للوصول إلى درجة التعدين الاقتصادي. يتم فصل الخامات غير المعدنية بالمعدات، ويتم صب نفايات الصخور مسبقًا لفصل الخامات غير المعدنية التي لها قيمة اقتصادية.(2) تعزيز الغطاء النباتي وإدارة أراضي المنجم، والحد من الأضرار البيئية وتأثيرها عن طريق الاستصلاح والتشجير.استخدام النفايات الصخرية1) في صخور النفايات، هناك أيضًا بعض الخامات المعدنية ذات القيمة العالية، والتي لها قيمة إعادة تدوير عالية، وغالبًا ما تكون الدرجة أعلى من درجة الخام الأولية المقابلة، مثل تخصيب الذهب واسترداده عن طريق التعويم المختلط الكيميائي والكبريتيد طحن التركيز، وترشيح السيانيد، والفصل الكهروضوئي، وما إلى ذلك.2) يمكنها ردم المنجم من خلال نفايات الصخور واستخدامها كمواد تعبئة للمنجم.باختصار، في ضوء معالجة بركة المخلفات وإنتاج المخلفات، فإن المنفعة الاقتصادية هي الدليل، وإدخال واستخدام التكنولوجيا الجديدة هو التوجيه. يمكن أن يقلل من صعوبة وتكلفة معالجة خزان المخلفات، ويعزز قيمة الاستخدام الشامل للمنجم، ويقلل التأثير طويل المدى على البيئة، ويوفر الكثير من معالجة المخلفات يكلف.آلة الفرز الذكية بالأشعة السينيةشركة Hefei Mingde للتكنولوجيا البصرية الإلكترونية. ، المحدودة هي مؤسسة وطنية ذات تقنية عالية مخصصة لتكنولوجيا الفرز الذكي والحلول المتكاملة للأشعة السينية. لقد ركزت الشركة دائمًا على مجال فصل الخام، والبحث وإنتاج فواصل الألوان الخام، وفواصل الذكاء الاصطناعي، والفواصل الذكية بالأشعة السينية، يمكن تطبيقها على ما يقرب من 100 نوع من تطبيقات فصل الخام المعدنية وغير المعدنية. تكنولوجيا الفصل الكهروضوئي الخاصة بها ليست مجرد ابتكار في تكنولوجيا معالجة المعادن، ولكن لها أيضًا تأثير بعيد المدى على الصناعة بأكملها ورابط التعدين، مثل المناجم والمناجم وبركة المخلفات وما إلى ذلك.قيمة ومزايا الفرز الكهروضوئيمن خلال الفصل المادي، وذلك باستخدام اختلاف خصائص سطح الخام أو فرق الكثافة الداخلية للفصل. بالمقارنة مع التعويم التقليدي، وطحن وفصل المخلفات إلى ملاط، يصعب التعامل معها، والأضرار البيئية العميقة، والفصل الكهروضوئي للمواد بمواصفات 0.3 سم أو أكثر، يمكن استخدام مخلفات النفايات بعد الفصل مباشرة كردم وبناء المواد، مما يقلل من صعوبة معالجة المخلفات، ويحسن القيمة الاقتصادية للمنجم ويطيل عمر خدمة المنجم بشكل غير مباشر. وفي الوقت نفسه، تماشيا مع اتجاه سياسة التعدين، مما يقلل بشكل كبير من إنتاج المخلفات.
  • كيفية اختيار آلة فرز خام الكهروضوئية مناسبة كيفية اختيار آلة فرز خام الكهروضوئية مناسبة Jul 11, 2024
    يعد الفرز الكهروضوئي طريقة مهمة لفرز الخام في الفرز المسبق للخام. معدات الفرز الكهروضوئية هي جهاز يكمل عملية فرز الخام مباشرة. أثناء عملية فرز الخام، تحدد معدات الفرز الخام من خلال خصائصه الفيزيائية، وذلك بشكل أساسي من خلال الاختلافات في اللون والملمس والملمس والشكل واللمعان والكثافة وغيرها من الخصائص، لتحقيق فرز المعادن المفيدة ومعادن الشوائب.في الوقت الحاضر، تشتمل معدات فرز التعدين شائعة الاستخدام بشكل أساسي على أجهزة فرز الألوان الخام، وأجهزة فرز الذكاء الاصطناعي، وأجهزة الفرز الذكية بالأشعة السينية. أدناه، سنأخذك إلى فهم كل نوع من معدات فرز التعدين ونطاقها المطبق واحدًا تلو الآخر، وسنساعدك على اختيار معدات الفرز المناسبة بشكل صحيح.1. فارز لون الخاميعتمد فارز لون الخام بشكل أساسي على اختلاف لون المواد. فهو يدمج المعدات البصرية والميكانيكية والكهربائية لتحقيق فرز المواد وتنقيتها من خلال الكشف الكهروضوئي ومعالجة الصور. إنه ينتمي إلى فارز خام فرز الألوان.هذا النوع من فارز الألوان الخام يدمج التقنيات العالية مثل الضوء، الآلات، الكهرباء، والغاز. يتم استخدامه على نطاق واسع في فرز المواد لتحسين جودة منتجات المواد. في السنوات الأخيرة، قامت أجهزة فرز الألوان المحلية باستمرار بتسريع وتيرة الابتكار التكنولوجي. لقد نمت الشركات المصنعة من خلال الاستكشاف والابتكار، وتم تحديث المكونات الرئيسية، وأصبحت منتجات الخط الأول ناضجة بشكل متزايد من حيث الاستقرار والموثوقية وتأثيرات الفرز عالية الدقة.تشتمل ماكينة فرز الألوان الخام بشكل أساسي على دلو هزاز، ووحدة رئيسية للتغذية المتكاملة، والفرز والتفريغ، ولوحة تشغيل حساسة للمس. عند العمل، يدخل الخام إلى الزاحف من خلال قادوس تغذية فارز الألوان ويتم نقله بسرعة إلى صندوق الفرز. يتم فحص كل خام سطرًا تلو الآخر من خلال مجموعتين من الكاميرات عالية الوضوح، ويتم نقل المعلومات ذات الصلة إلى النظام المركزي من خلال المستشعر. يقارن النظام المركزي الطول الموجي أو تردد الألوان المختلفة لموجات الضوء المنعكسة من الخامات العلوية والسفلية مع المعلمات المحددة، ثم يحدد موقع الخام المتغاير اللون المراد إزالته من خلال خوارزمية معقدة، ويصدر تعليمات إلى الملف اللولبي المقابل صمام، وذلك باستخدام القوة الهوائية للفصل الدقيق.لدى فارز الألوان الخام مجموعة واسعة من التطبيقات، بشكل أساسي للمعادن ذات اختلافات اللون، مثل الكوارتز وكربونات الكالسيوم والباريت والكالسيت والدولوميت والفلسبار البوتاسيوم والولاستونيت والفلوريت وخام التنغستن والمعادن الأخرى.2. آلة فرز الذكاء الاصطناعيتعتمد آلة الفرز بالذكاء الاصطناعي بشكل أساسي على تقنية آلة الفرز الكهروضوئية AI، وتستخدم الذكاء الاصطناعي والتعلم العميق والبيانات الضخمة وتكنولوجيا تحسين الصورة البصرية لتحديد الخام وفرزه.يستخدم هذا النوع من معدات الفرز تقنية الذكاء الاصطناعي لكسر مشكلة تقييد مواد فرز الألوان الأصلية، وتوسيع سيناريو تطبيق الفرز بشكل كبير، وتلبية استخدام الفرز لبعض الخامات الصعبة والمعقدة.تتكون المعدات بشكل أساسي من دلو اهتزازي ومضيف ومنصة تشغيل كمبيوتر صغير. عند العمل، من الضروري فرز عدد من المعادن المفيدة ومعادن الشوائب يدويًا، وإجراء الحصول على الصور والتدريب على جهاز الذكاء الاصطناعي على التوالي. ستقوم المعدات تلقائيًا باستخراج نسيج السطح واللمعان والملمس والشكل واللون والميزات الأخرى للمعادن المفيدة ومعادن الشوائب لإنشاء نموذج فرز.أثناء عملية الفرز، يدخل الخام إلى الزاحف من خلال قادوس تغذية الآلة الذكي، ويدخل إلى صندوق الفرز بعد النقل السريع. ستقوم المجموعتان العلوية والسفلية من الكاميرات فائقة الوضوح بإجراء مسح مجسم متعدد الأبعاد على كل مادة خام، وتنقل المعلومات الخاصة بكل مادة خام من المستشعر إلى الكمبيوتر الصناعي. فهو يحدد المعادن المفيدة ومعادن الشوائب من خلال التعرف على النماذج والخوارزميات، ويصدر تعليمات للصمام اللولبي المتوافق مع منطقة الشوائب، باستخدام القوة الهوائية للفصل الدقيق.يتم تدريب المعدات بشكل أساسي وتصميمها بناءً على الخصائص متعددة الأبعاد لسطح الخام، ثم يتم تحديدها وفصلها. يمكن تعديل المعدات وفقًا للوضع في الموقع، ويمكنها تحقيق فرز متنوع للخام.آلات فرز الذكاء الاصطناعي مناسبة للمعادن المعقدة والتي يصعب فرزها. طالما أن الخام له ملمس سطحي ولمعان وملمس وشكل ولون وخصائص سطحية أخرى، فيمكن فرزه، مثل الحصى والسيليكا والولاستونيت وخبث السيليكون وخام الذهب والتلك وخام الفوسفات والكاولينيت القائم على الفحم، الفلوريت وخام الليثيوم والخامات الأخرى. إن الفرز الشامل والدقة والقدرة على التكيف يتفوقان بكثير على فارزات الألوان التقليدية.3. آلة الفرز الذكية بالأشعة السينيةآلة الفرز الذكية بالأشعة السينية هي بشكل أساسي تقنية XRT (تقنية الإرسال) التي تكتشف القيم المميزة لحجم الخام وسمكه وكثافته والاختلاف في تفاعل العناصر والتسلسل الذري للمكونات المرتبطة بالأشعة السينية من خلال الأشعة السينية لتحقيق فصل النفايات الألغام. هذه التقنية مناسبة بشكل أساسي للخامات المعدنية التي لا يمكن فرزها يدويًا بسبب خصائص السطح.مبدأ التشغيل: يجب أن يكون للخام والشوائب التي سيتم فرزها اختلافات واضحة في الكثافة. العملية المحددة هي كما يلي: أولاً، يجب أخذ كمية صغيرة من الخام والشوائب للتدريب. الكثافات المختلفة تجعل الأشعة السينية تمتص درجات مختلفة عند نقل الخام والشوائب. ثم يتم استخدام الكاميرا للتجميع والإرسال. تختلف قيمة التدرج الرمادي للصورة بعد التصوير بالكمبيوتر الصناعي والخوارزمية. تم بناء نموذج التعلم العميق. عندما يتم إنتاج جهاز الأشعة السينية، سيدخل نظام التغذية إلى منطقة الكشف بسرعة عالية من الزاحف. سوف تنقل الأشعة السينية كل من الخام والشوائب. يتم استخدام الكاميرا عالية الوضوح متعددة القنوات المطورة ذاتيًا على التوالي للحصول على الإشارة ونقلها إلى الكمبيوتر الصناعي. ويستخدم خوارزميات معقدة ومعالجة الصور، ثم يقارن ويتعرف على معلمات النموذج المحدد. سيصدر الكمبيوتر الصناعي تعليمات إلى صمام الغاز في الموضع المقابل للشوائب، ويستخدم القوة الهوائية لفصل الشوائب لتحقيق غرض التخلص من النفايات والتخصيب.آلة الفرز الذكية بالأشعة السينية مناسبة للخامات ذات الكثافة المختلفة مثل شوائب الفحم والرصاص والزنك والقصدير والأنتيمون والتنغستن والنحاس والمنغنيز والتيتانيوم والفلوريت وغيرها من الخامات المعدنية وغير المعدنية.
  • How to Conduct the Ore Photoelectric Sorting Experiment? How to Conduct the Ore Photoelectric Sorting Experiment? Aug 24, 2024
    Ore sorting experiment is a key link in the processing of mineral resources, which involves knowledge in multiple fields such as physics and chemistry. Through experiments, the optimal mineral processing process, equipment configuration and operating conditions can be determined, thereby improving the grade and recovery rate of ore and reducing production costs. Ore sorting experiment is a key process in mining engineering, which involves a series of complex processes such as ore crushing, grinding, screening, and sorting. So how can we do a good job in ore sorting experiment? First of all, if we want to do a good ore sorting experiment, we need to know what factors will affect the accuracy of the ore sorting experiment? Only by clarifying the influencing factors can we avoid errors and solve problems in a targeted manner. There are many factors that affect the accuracy of ore sorting experiments, which can be analyzed from the following aspects: Ore properties The physical and chemical properties of ore are the primary factors affecting the accuracy of mineral processing tests. The complexity of ore composition, the embedding characteristics of minerals, the particle size distribution, and the density difference will all affect the sorting effect. For example, the content of associated minerals and impurities in the ore, the structural structure of the ore, and the particle size and shape of the ore will all affect the sorting process. Experimental conditions The stability of the experimental conditions is crucial to the accuracy of the experimental results. The stability of the laboratory environment and equipment, such as temperature, humidity, vibration, etc., may affect the accuracy of ore sorting. In addition, the technical level and experience of the experimental operators also have a significant impact on the experimental results. Data analysis A large amount of experimental data needs to be accurately analyzed and processed to ensure the reliability of the results. The accuracy of data analysis depends on the accuracy of the analytical methods and tools used. The use of advanced data analysis software and methods, such as statistical analysis, simulation and optimization design, can improve the accuracy and reliability of data analysis. Process parameters Process parameters, such as crushing fineness, have a direct impact on the mineral processing effect. Crushing fineness determines the degree of dissociation of minerals. Environmental factors Environmental factors, including the geographical location of the mine, climatic conditions, and water sources, will also affect the operating status of the mineral processing equipment and the effect of the reagents. Equipment performance The performance and configuration of mineral processing equipment directly affect the mineral processing efficiency and the quality of the final product. The stability, accuracy and automation of the equipment are all key factors affecting the effect of mineral processing. These factors will more or less affect the results of the ore sorting experiment. To improve the accuracy of the ore sorting experiment, it is necessary to comprehensively consider and optimize these aspects. For the above-mentioned influencing factors, we can make preparations before and during sorting. Before conducting an ore sorting experiment, it is necessary to make adequate preparations to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the experimental results. The following is a detailed introduction to the preparations that need to be done before the experiment. Ore property research Before conducting an ore sorting experiment, it is necessary to first conduct a comprehensive property study on the ore. This includes spectral analysis, multi-element analysis, and X-ray diffraction analysis of the ore to identify the beneficial and harmful elemental components in the ore. In addition, it is necessary to conduct phase analysis of the valuable and harmful elements in the sample to provide guidance for the process flow. The determination of the physical properties of the sample, such as dissociation degree, hardness, true density, loose density, grindability, etc., is also essential. Sample preparation The representativeness of the sample is crucial to the accuracy of the experimental results. It is necessary to provide representative samples, the quantity of which is usually not less than 200 kg, and even more than 500 kg is required depending on the specific situation of the gold ore sample. If the samples come from multiple veins (belts, points), each ore point needs to be sampled separately, and each point sample must be no less than 50 to 100 kg. The sampling should be carried out by the technical personnel of geology, mining and mineral processing to avoid unilateral operation. Equipment inspection and maintenance Before the experiment, all equipment should be inspected in detail to ensure that they can operate normally. The stability of the equipment directly affects the accuracy and reliability of the experimental data, so any potential problems must be solved before the experiment begins. After the preparation work, we will really start to enter the ore sorting experiment. When designing an ore sorting experiment, choosing the right crushing and grading equipment is a key step to ensure the success of the experiment. Crushing The selection of crushing and grading equipment needs to be based on the physical and chemical properties of the ore, production capacity and efficiency requirements, equipment durability and maintenance convenience. Selection of crushing equipment Crushing equipment mainly includes jaw crusher, hammer crusher, gyratory crusher, etc. Jaw crushers are suitable for primary crushing, especially for handling ores with higher hardness; hammer crushers are suitable for crushing softer ores. The performance of crushing equipment depends largely on its parameter settings, such as speed, discharge port width and crushing cavity type. The optimization of these parameters can improve the crushing efficiency and material passing capacity of the equipment. Selection of grading equipment Grading equipment is used to classify ground ore. Common ones include spiral classifiers and hydrocyclones. The spiral classifier uses the difference in the settling speed of particles to classify and lift the ore through the rotation of the spiral. The hydrocyclone is suitable for fine screening of fine-grained ores. It is characterized by high vibration frequency, high screening efficiency and high screening rate. Comprehensive considerations When selecting crushing and grinding equipment, in addition to the characteristics of the above equipment itself, the following factors need to be considered: Ore characteristics: hardness, brittleness, moisture content, etc. will affect the selection of equipment. Production capacity and efficiency requirements: The processing capacity of the equipment directly affects the processing speed and output of the ore. Equipment durability and maintenance cost: Equipment with good wear resistance can significantly extend its service life and reduce maintenance costs. Ease of operation: Equipment with easy operation can reduce training time and improve production efficiency. Environmental protection requirements: With the increasingly stringent environmental protection standards, the environmental protection performance of equipment has also become an important consideration for selection. After crushing and screening the ore, the next step is the phased experiment. Phase experiment We need to select different photoelectric sorting equipment according to the different characteristics of the ore. Generally speaking, for metal ores with unclear surface features, we recommend that you choose an X-ray intelligent sorting machine for experiment. The X-ray intelligent sorting machine can obtain different imaging effects through the different penetration capabilities of X-rays in ores of different densities, and sort the ore according to the imaging results. For ores with obvious color features, we can choose a ore color sorter for experiment. For other ores with obvious surface features, we can choose an AI intelligent machine for sorting experiments. In addition, for ore samples of different particle sizes, the selected machine models are also different. For customers, in choosing a suitable photoelectric sorting machine, it is mainly based on the properties of the ore itself and its own sorting requirements. After crushing and screening the ore, the X intelligent sorter and AI intelligent sorter collect images of the ore through high-definition cameras, and then use machine vision technology to process and analyze the images. After deep learning algorithms, a large amount of ore sample data is trained to establish a model for ore identification and classification. This model can self-learn and optimize, identify the color, shape, texture and other characteristics of the ore, and realize automatic identification and sorting of ore types. Before the formal sorting, the machine needs some time to process and sort the collected ore images, so we need to wait patiently. During the phased experiment of machine sorting, we need to repeat it many times under different conditions and record relevant data to verify the stability and reliability of the beneficiation effect. After the phased experiment, we need to organize and interpret the data collected during the experiment to determine the optimal beneficiation process and equipment configuration of the ore. Data analysis can be carried out using statistical methods and software tools to provide a basis for in-depth data understanding and process optimization, so as to select suitable photoelectric sorting equipment.
  • New Method for Gold Ore Sorting - Photoelectric Sorting New Method for Gold Ore Sorting - Photoelectric Sorting Aug 30, 2024
    Gold has always been a dazzling word. It is a symbol of wealth and power, and it also carries the profound connotation of culture, history and religion. At present, the main sources of gold are mining, recycling, sale and leasing by central banks and international organizations, and seabed mining. Mining has always been the most traditional and stable source of gold, accounting for about 70% of the entire gold market. Gold mines are widely distributed, and there are gold resources in many countries and regions around the world. According to the latest information, gold resources are mainly concentrated in Africa, Asia, South America, North America and Australia. Among them, Africa has the richest gold resources, and South Africa, Ghana, Senegal and other countries are the main gold production areas in Africa. Asia, especially China, Russia and India, also has a large amount of gold resources. Brazil, Peru and Colombia in South America are also important gold production areas. Canada and the United States in North America are the main gold production areas, and Australia is one of the most important gold resource countries in the world. Gold mining is a complex and technology-intensive process, involving multiple links from exploration, mining, beneficiation to smelting. Gold mining requires not only advanced equipment and technology, but also environmental protection and safety production requirements. Exploration is the first step in gold mining. The location and reserves of gold mines are determined through geological exploration technology. Preparatory work before mining includes infrastructure construction, such as building roads and setting up necessary facilities. There are two main mining methods: open-pit mining and underground mining. Open-pit mining is suitable for surface deposits, while underground mining is suitable for deeper ore bodies. During the mining process, commonly used equipment includes drilling machines, blasting equipment and mine cars. Ore dressing is to process the mined ore to extract the gold. Ore dressing processes include crushing, grinding, screening, gravity separation and flotation. Crushing and grinding are to reduce the particle size of the ore for subsequent processing; screening is to separate ores of different particle sizes; gravity separation and flotation are to separate gold and other minerals by physical and chemical methods. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, photoelectric separation has also become an important way of gold ore separation. It detects minerals through photoelectric sensors based on the optical properties of minerals, such as color, texture, gloss, shape, etc., to achieve mineral sorting. Photoelectric sorting technology is developed on the basis of traditional mineral processing technology. It has the advantages of high efficiency, environmental protection, and energy saving. The sorting equipment mainly consists of four parts. Feeding system: Through the vibrating feeder and crawler, the materials to be sorted are fed into the detection area of ​​the photoelectric system at a constant speed to ensure the stability of the sorting effect. Photoelectric system: It consists of a light source, a background plate, a sensor or an X-ray source, and a transmission plate. By collecting the comprehensive characteristics of the ore surface or the density difference, the ore is imaged in high definition, and the sensor is converted into an electrical signal to convey it to the electronic control system. Control system: Receives the electrical signal transmitted by the photoelectric system, identifies and analyzes it, and through model training and learning, intelligently identifies and compares good and bad ores, and realizes the identification and sorting of non-massive ore data. Sorting system: According to the instructions of the electronic control system, the defective products are blown into the defective product tank through the spray valve to achieve the sorting purpose. AI Ore Sorting Machine The advantage of photoelectric sorting technology for gold mines is that it can improve the efficiency and accuracy of mineral processing while reducing environmental pollution. Compared with traditional physical and chemical mineral processing, photoelectric mineral processing has lower energy consumption, and the cost of mineral processing per ton is about 1 yuan, which is much lower than the average cost of traditional methods. In addition, photoelectric mineral processing has zero pollution to the environment and is a greener way of mineral processing. Hefei Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. has been focusing on the research and development, production and sales of photoelectric sorting equipment since its establishment. For gold mine sorting, the company currently has two main equipment solutions to choose from: for those gold mines with better dissociation and obvious surface characteristics of ore and impurities, the company's AI intelligent sorting machine can achieve effective sorting. For gold mines with good ores and impurity surface characteristics that are not obvious, the company has launched an X-ray intelligent sorting machine, which can combine the analysis of different densities of ore and impurities to achieve gold mine sorting. X-ray Intelligent Ore Sorting Machine Gold mines are an important natural resource, and their mining and processing have a profound impact on the national economy and the global market. With the advancement of science and technology and changes in market demand, gold mining and mineral processing technologies continue to develop and innovate to adapt to more efficient and environmentally friendly mining models. At the same time, as a metal with multiple functions, gold's position in the field of financial investment cannot be ignored. In the future, as the global economic landscape evolves, the gold mining industry and its related investment products will continue to play an important role on the international stage.
  • Market Application and Sorting of Industrial Silicon Market Application and Sorting of Industrial Silicon Aug 31, 2024
    Overview Industrial silicon, also known as metallic silicon or crystalline silicon, is an important industrial raw material. Its main component is silicon element, and the content is generally around 98%. In recent years, products containing 99.99% Si have appeared on the market. The rest of industrial silicon is mainly composed of impurities such as iron, aluminum, and calcium. Industrial silicon is divided into various specifications due to its different uses. Common grades include 553, 441, etc. These grades represent the maximum content of the main impurity elements iron, aluminum, and calcium in the product. Industrial silicon is widely used in many fields such as metallurgy, chemical industry, machinery, electrical appliances, and aviation. The chemical composition of industrial silicon mainly exists in the form of silicon element, and the content is usually above 98.7%. In addition, it also contains a small amount of impurities such as iron, aluminum, and calcium. The physical properties of industrial silicon are high hardness, high melting point, good heat resistance, and high resistivity. At the same time, it is non-conductive below 650°C and can be used as an insulating material; it begins to conduct electricity above 650°C, and its conductivity continues to increase with the increase of temperature. Global Industrial Silicon Production Pattern and Trade Flow At present, the global industrial silicon production capacity is concentrated in China, Brazil, Norway, the United States, Russia and other countries. Among them, Brazil and the United States have high-quality silicon ore resources, and Norway has abundant hydropower resources. The growth of China's industrial silicon production capacity is mainly contributed by domestic production capacity. China has an inherent production cost advantage and has been ranked first in the world for many years. China, Brazil, Norway and other countries are not only the main producers of industrial silicon, but also the main exporters. In 2021, China's industrial silicon (including 97 silicon and silicon) production accounted for 78% of the world, and Brazil (7%), Norway (6%), the United States (3%), France (3%) and other countries also have a certain output. The production of industrial silicon mainly adopts the submerged arc furnace method, which uses the arc energy between electrodes to melt the metal. It is the main process for the production of industrial silicon in China. During the production process, silica and carbonaceous reducing agent are first placed in the submerged arc furnace, and industrial silicon liquid is generated through high-temperature reduction reaction, and then block or granular industrial silicon is generated through casting, cooling, crushing and other steps. Market Application of Industrial Silicon Due to its special physical and chemical properties, industrial silicon has a wide range of applications in many fields. The following are the applications of industrial silicon in different fields: Photovoltaic industry Industrial silicon plays an important role in the photovoltaic industry. Polycrystalline silicon and monocrystalline silicon panels are the core components of solar photovoltaic power generation, and high-quality industrial silicon is an indispensable raw material in the preparation of these materials. Industrial silicon is purified through a series of processes to generate polycrystalline silicon and monocrystalline silicon for use in the photovoltaic industry and the electronics industry. Crystalline silicon cells are mainly used in solar rooftop power stations, commercial power stations and urban power stations with high land costs. They are the most technologically mature and widely used solar photovoltaic products, accounting for more than 80% of the world's photovoltaic market. Semiconductor industry In the field of semiconductor manufacturing, the high purity of industrial silicon ensures the reliability and stability of the semiconductor manufacturing process. Industrial silicon is the basic material of semiconductor chips, and the presence of any impurities will affect the quality and performance of the chips. Industrial silicon can produce high-quality silicon wafers through melting and crystal growth technology, which are used to manufacture electronic devices such as transistors and integrated circuits. Aluminum alloy manufacturing Industrial silicon plays a key role in the production process of aluminum alloys. As an alloying element, industrial silicon can adjust the properties of aluminum alloys by controlling the amount of addition, such as improving hardness, strength and wear resistance. In addition, industrial silicon can also improve the heat resistance and corrosion resistance of aluminum alloys, making them perform better in high temperature and corrosive environments. Aerospace Industrial silicon is used to manufacture high-performance structural materials in the aerospace field due to its characteristics such as light weight, high strength and high temperature stability. For example, in the outer shell material of spacecraft, industrial silicon can provide excellent resistance to thermal stress and can also resist high-speed wear. Industrial silicon can also be prepared into high-strength spacecraft parts, such as engine turbine blades. Chemical industry In the chemical industry, industrial silicon can be used as key raw materials such as catalysts, fillers and fire retardants. For example, catalysts can reduce the activation energy of the reaction, increase the reaction rate and selectivity; fillers can increase the contact area of ​​the reactants and improve the reaction efficiency; fire retardants can improve the fire resistance of the material and reduce the occurrence of fire accidents. New energy vehicles In the field of new energy vehicles, industrial silicon is widely used in the manufacture of key components such as batteries, motors and electronic controls. The high energy density and stability of industrial silicon make it an ideal material for new energy vehicle batteries. Construction and electronics Industrial silicon is also used in building sealing materials and waterproof materials, as well as in the field of electronics and electrical insulation. For example, silicone rubber has good high temperature resistance and is used to make medical supplies, high temperature resistant gaskets, etc. Sorting of Industrial Silicon As an important industrial raw material, the sorting technology of industrial silicon plays a vital role in ensuring product quality and improving resource utilization. The sorting technology of industrial silicon mainly includes two categories: physical methods and chemical methods. Physical methods are mainly based on the physical properties of minerals, such as density, conductivity, magnetism, etc. for sorting. Chemical methods use the differences in the chemical properties of minerals for separation. In practical applications, multiple methods are often combined to achieve the best sorting effect. Physical sorting technology Physical sorting technology mainly includes heavy medium beneficiation, flotation, magnetic separation and electrostatic separation. Heavy medium beneficiation uses the difference in mineral density to achieve separation; flotation relies on the chemical properties of the mineral surface for separation; magnetic separation uses the difference in the magnetic properties of minerals for sorting; and electrostatic separation uses the difference in the electrical properties of minerals for sorting. These methods have their own advantages and disadvantages and are suitable for different types of ores and sorting requirements. Chemical sorting technology Chemical sorting technology includes acid-base leaching, solvent extraction and other methods. These methods are mainly used to process ores that are difficult to effectively sort by physical methods, especially when the ore contains fine particles or film-like impurities that are difficult to separate by physical methods. New sorting technology In recent years, with the advancement of science and technology, new sorting technologies have gradually been applied to the sorting process of industrial silicon. For example, artificial intelligence sorting technology achieves higher-precision sorting by identifying the multi-dimensional three-dimensional characteristics of silicon slag and establishing a model. In addition, color sorting technology is also used in the purification of silica raw materials. By distinguishing the difference in color, sorting is carried out, which effectively improves the purity of silica. Since its establishment in 2014, Hefei Mingde Technology Co., Ltd. has been a high-tech enterprise dedicated to the research and development, design, production, sales and service of ore sorting equipment. The current main products include ore sorting machine, AI intelligent sorting machine, X-ray intelligent sorting machine, foreign body removal robot and mining automation production line, etc. AI Ore Sorting Machine Among them, the AI ​​intelligent sorting machine produced by the company can accurately extract the surface features of industrial silicon, conduct deep learning to form a model, and match the industrial silicon with the existing model in the subsequent sorting, so as to achieve accurate sorting. At present, the machine has been put into the actual production of industrial silicon and has received very good market response. Heavy Duty AI Ore Sorting Machine As an important industrial raw material, industrial silicon plays an indispensable role in modern industry. From its production process to application field, to market status and development trend, industrial silicon has demonstrated its unique value and broad development prospects. With the continuous advancement of technology and changes in market demand, the industrial silicon industry will continue to maintain a rapid development trend and make greater contributions to the development of human society.

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