لافتة الصفحة الداخلية
فارز اللون
  • كيفية اختيار فارز اللون الخام؟ كيفية اختيار فارز اللون الخام؟ Nov 24, 2022
    كيفية اختيار خام فارز اللون? يستخدم فارز الألوان كمعدات لفرز المواد المتطورة على نطاق واسع الآن في الصناعات الخام ، والأغذية الزراعية ، والنفط ، والصناعات الكيماوية ، والأدوية وغيرها من الصناعات ، وأهمية وجوده ليس فقط لتوفير الوقت والطاقة والكفاءة العالية ، ولكن أيضًا يمكن أن تحسن بشكل كبير من استخدام الموارد لتحقيق منافع اقتصادية واجتماعية أكبر.   كيف تختار فارز اللون المناسب؟ يتم تحديده من خلال الطلب. تكمن المشكلة الرئيسية في كيفية إخراج المعدات وتأثير الفرز ونطاق حجم الجسيمات المطبق ونوع الفرز واستقرار المعدات وعمر الخدمة والسعر وعوامل متعددة أخرى في كيفية أداء التكلفة الشاملة للمعدات. كمؤسسة معروفة متجذرة بعمق في Hefei ، عاصمة فارز الألوان ، شاركت Mingde Optoelectronics بعمق في مجال فرز الخامات منذ عام 2014 ، مع البحث الذاتي المستقل لفارز الألوان وفارز خام ذكي X-light والذكاء الاصطناعي مع حقوق ملكية فكرية مستقلة تمامًا. خلال هذه الفترة ، وفقًا للتراكم المستمر لجميع أنواع تجربة فرز الخامات ، استثمرت Mingde الكهروضوئية باستمرار في تطوير المعدات وإنتاجها ، وحافظت دائمًا على الابتكار التقني ، وأطلقت تدريجيًا إنتاجًا كبيرًا ودقة عالية واستقرارًا عاليًا لنماذج فائقة الفعالية من حيث التكلفة . كيف تختار الشركة المصنعة ذات المزايا التقنية لفرز الخام؟ بصفتها شركة مصنعة لفرز الخام ، أطلقت Mingde Optoelectronics آلة فرز الذكاء الاصطناعي AI ، والتي تجلب الفرز الخام من عصر الفرز اللوني 2.0 إلى عصر الفرز متعدد الأبعاد لخصائص متعددة الأبعاد ، متجاوزًا قيود فرز الألوان. إن آلة فرز الألوان إلى تطوير آلة فرز الذكاء الاصطناعي هي تقدم من 1 إلى N ، من فرز آلة فرز الألوان لا يمكن فرزها إلا حسب اللون ، إلى آلة فرز الذكاء الاصطناعي من خلال الخصائص متعددة الأبعاد للخامات ، مثل الملمس واللون والشكل واللون ، اللمعان وغيرها من خصائص التمايز المرئي بالعين المجردة للتقدم. آلة الذكاء الاصطناعي يمكن استخراجها جميعًا ، التعلم ، النمذجة ، الفرز. وبالتالي ، هناك تحسن كبير في فرز التخصيص وفرز التنويع وفرز الكفاءة. المنتج الجيد يحتاج إلى موافقة السوق. ملكنا الكهروضوئية مينجدي آلة فرز الذكاء الاصطناعي بعد ما يقرب من 3 سنوات ، في المشروع ، البحث والتطوير ، الإنتاج ، التطبيق بعد طبقات حراس البوابة ، الآن تستخدم على نطاق واسع في التلك والمغنسيت والولاستونيت والسيليكون الصناعي وخام الذهب والفلوريت وخام الليثيوم وغيرها من المؤسسات ، لحل جميع أنواع مشاكل فرز الخام. آلة فرز الخام كآلة عالية الدقة ، تستخدم في بعض المناطق النائية وبيئة العمل المعقدة ، وتواجه مجموعة متنوعة من الاختبارات ، ونظام خدمة ما بعد البيع المثالي مهم بشكل خاص ، الكهروضوئية الشهيرة كشركة مصنّعة للفرز الكهروضوئي القديمة المعروفة ، نحن دائمًا الالتزام بالمستخدم أولاً ، ومفهوم خدمة مرافقة القلب ، والعمل العملي لتحقيق التزامنا ، وإنشاء أكثر من عشرة مكاتب في الدولة ، في الوقت المناسب ، أنشأنا أكثر من عشرة مكاتب في الدولة للاستجابة لاحتياجات العملاء والتأكد من الالتزام بالمواعيد وحسن توقيت خدمة ما بعد البيع.
  • ما هو مبدأ عمل فارز الألوان؟ ما هو مبدأ عمل فارز الألوان؟ Feb 20, 2023
      ما هو مبدأ عمل فارز الألوان؟ 1. مواد مختارة من أعلى القادوس إلى الآلة، من خلال اهتزاز جهاز الهزاز، مواد مختارة على طول قناة النقل، إلى غرفة الفرز في منطقة المراقبة، ومن المستشعر ولوحة الخلفية بين الممر. 2. تحت تأثير مصدر الضوء، وفقًا لشدة الضوء وتغير اللون، ينتج النظام إشارة خرج لتشغيل صمام الملف اللولبي لتفجير جزيئات الألوان المختلفة إلى قادوس النفايات، وتستمر المواد المختارة الجيدة في الانخفاض إلى قادوس المنتج النهائي، وذلك لتحقيق الغرض من الاختيار.
  • تحديات واستراتيجيات معدات الفرز الكهروضوئية لفرز الخام تحديات واستراتيجيات معدات الفرز الكهروضوئية لفرز الخام Jul 05, 2024
    ملخصتقنية الفرز الكهروضوئية هي تقنية تستخدم الاختلافات في خصائص المواد، والتي أظهرت إمكانات هائلة في مجال فرز الخامات. سوف تستكشف هذه المقالة تطبيق تقنية الفرز الإلكتروني البصري في مجال فرز الخام، بالإضافة إلى التحديات واستراتيجيات الاستجابة في مجال فرز الخام.تطبيق تكنولوجيا الفرز الكهروضوئي في فرز الخامتتضمن تقنية الفرز الإلكتروني الضوئي بشكل أساسي فرز الضوء المرئي والأشعة تحت الحمراء والأشعة فوق البنفسجية والأشعة السينية. فهو يلتقط معلومات انعكاس الضوء أو نقله لجزيئات الخام من خلال أجهزة استشعار عالية الدقة، ثم يحدد ما إذا كانت ذات قيمة من خلال الخوارزمية الذكية المعدة مسبقًا، ويتم فصل الجوهرAميزة1. تحسين دقة الفرز: يمكن أن تعمل تقنية الفرز البصري على تحسين دقة فرز الخام بشكل كبير وتحسين منتجات الخام الخام بشكل فعال.2. تقليل التكلفة: من خلال الرمي المسبق، يتم تقليل المعالجة وتكلفة جلسة التعدين اللاحقة.3. حماية البيئة: لا تحتاج عملية الفرز الإلكتروني الضوئي إلى إضافة كواشف كيميائية لتقليل التلوث البيئي.التطبيقات1. فرز خام الفوسفور: تُظهر تقنية الفرز البصري ميزة كبيرة في التعامل مع موارد خام الفوسفور منخفضة الدرجة، والتي يمكنها إزالة كمية كبيرة من أحجار النبض عديمة الفائدة بسرعة وتقليل ضغط رواسب التعدين اللاحقة.2. فرز منجم الذهب: يمكن لتكنولوجيا الفرز البصري إثراء خام الذهب وتحقيق منتجات تعدين اقتصادية أعلى.مواجهة التحديات واستراتيجيات الاستجابةCcom.challenge1. القدرة على التكيف: كيفية التكيف مع المزيد من الأنواع وبنية الخام الأكثر تعقيدًا.2. الاستقرار والقدرة المضادة للتدخل: تحسين الاستقرار والقدرة المضادة للتدخل للنظام.3. خفض التكلفة: خفض التكاليف بشكل أكبر، وزيادة فعالية التكلفة.Pريفيتيف سoltion1. الابتكار التقني: تقديم التقنيات المتطورة مثل الذكاء الاصطناعي وتحليل البيانات الضخمة لتحسين المستوى الذكي لنظام الفرز.2. ترقية المعدات: التحسين المستمر لأداء أجهزة الاستشعار الكهروضوئية ووكالات التنفيذ، وتحسين كفاءة ودقة الفرز.3. تعزيز التصنيع: تجميع الخبرة التطبيقية وتعزيز تعميم التكنولوجيا على نطاق أوسع.معدات الفرز للإلكترونيات الضوئية Mingdeبالنسبة للتحديات التكيفية لمعدات الفرز في فرز الخام، قدمت شركة Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. بشكل مبتكر تكنولوجيا الذكاء الاصطناعي في مجال الفرز الكهروضوئي التقليدي. مع تحسين دقة الفرز، فقد توسعت بشكل كبير في أنواع فرز الخام.بالنسبة للتحدي المتمثل في استقرار الماكينة والقدرة على مقاومة التداخل، فإن كاميرا فرز الماكينة من Mingde هي كاميرا شبكة جيجابت، والتي تتميز بتصوير أكثر وضوحًا وفرز أكثر دقة. الآلة عبارة عن إطار فولاذي كامل، والذي يعتمد هيكلًا منقسمًا لتجنب تأثير جزء الاهتزاز على مضيف الفرز. يعتمد مضيف الفرز هيكلًا مغلقًا، مقاوم للغبار ومقاوم للماء، بحيث تكون نتائج الفرز أكثر استقرارًا، كما أن الآلة أيضًا بيئة قاسية ذات غبار عالي، وتلوث عالي، وتآكل عالي صناعة الآلات.في ظل تحديات التكلفة التي تواجهها معدات التقسيم الكهروضوئي، عملت شركة Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. بجد وحققت اختراقات تقنية مستقلة.إن التطوير المستقل لمجموعة كاملة من أنظمة البرمجيات يحل الاحتمالية المحتملة للتقنيات الخارجية على تأثير قيود الإنتاج المستقلة للشركة ويقلل بشكل كبير من تكاليف الإنتاج، مما يجعل الآلات في متناول الجميع.https://www.mdoresorting.com/mingde-ai-sorting-machine-separate-quartzmicafeldspar-from-pegmatiteCالإدراجيمكن لآفاق تطبيق تكنولوجيا الفرز الكهروضوئي في مجال فرز الخام أن تحسن بشكل فعال طعم الخام، وتخفض التكاليف، ولها أداء جيد لحماية البيئة. وفي مواجهة التحديات، ينبغي تعزيز التصنيع من خلال الابتكار التكنولوجي وتحديث المعدات لتحقيق تطبيقه على نطاق واسع في مجال فرز الخام.
  • Common Types, Characteristics and Market Applications of Quartz Deposits Common Types, Characteristics and Market Applications of Quartz Deposits Aug 07, 2024
    We have discussed eight ore sorting methods on the market before, and I believe everyone has some understanding of ore sorting. Today, let's change the topic and discuss quartz ore. With the development of AI technology in recent years, the chip industry has become more and more prosperous, and the demand for silicon has also increased. Although the consumption of quartz has declined in the second quarter of this year, the overall situation is still good. Quartz ore is a widely distributed silicate mineral, the main component of which is silicon dioxide (SiO2). Different types of quartz ores differ in their genesis, physical and chemical properties, and industrial applications. There are roughly 7 common quartz deposits in nature. Today we will introduce them all at once, and also briefly talk about the two most popular industrial applications of quartz at this stage. 1. Natural Crystal There are large transparent quartz crystals in nature, which are mainly used for carving crafts. They are less in resources and expensive. This kind of quartz ore is mainly used for carving crafts, such as jewelry and decorations. High-quality natural crystals are also used to make optical crystal materials and piezoelectric crystal materials. 2. Granite Quartz Granite quartz, also known as pegmatite quartz, is a very popular quartz ore in the past two years. It is formed by magma and is the main raw material for producing high-purity quartz. It is used in electronic information, new materials and new energy fields, especially in the semiconductor industry, for the manufacture of quartz crucibles and other key semiconductor manufacturing equipment. 3. Vein Quartz Formed under the action of magma hydrothermal fluids, it has a single mineral composition, almost all of which is quartz, and is suitable for the production of high-purity silicon micropowders. These silicon micropowders have important applications in strategic emerging industries such as electronic information, new materials and new energy. The high purity and low iron content of vein quartz make it one of the ideal mineral raw materials for processing high-purity quartz. 4. Quartz Sandstone It is formed by the deposition and consolidation of siliceous debris and is widely used in the production of daily glass sand, glass fiber, metallic silicon, refractory materials, white carbon black, silicone, etc. Its stable geological occurrence and suitable particle size make it an important raw material in these fields. 5. Quartzite Dense and hard rock formed by regional metamorphism or thermal contact metamorphism, mainly used to make high-strength, high-hardness and wear-resistant building materials, such as artificial stone, artificial granite, artificial jade, etc. Its dense and hard characteristics make it outstanding in decorative effects and durability. 6. Powdered Quartz Natural powdered quartz with extremely fine particles and high silica content, mainly formed by weathering and disintegration of siliceous parent rock, is often used to make fine ceramics, refractory materials, etc. 7. Natural Quartz Sand Sand-like quartz mineral raw materials formed by weathering are mainly used for casting sand, 3D printing sand, etc. Its high purity and refractory properties make it indispensable in the casting industry. The above seven types of quartz deposits can be distinguished by a series of physical and chemical characteristics, including color, transparency, crystal morphology, gloss, hardness, specific gravity and specific optical properties. Here are some commonly used identification methods: 1. Color and Transparency: Different types of quartz ores may show different colors and transparency. For example, crystal is usually transparent, while agate is composed of layered quartz with different color stripes. 2. Crystal Morphology: The crystal morphology of quartz can help identify its type. For example, α-quartz and β-quartz are stable at different temperatures and have different crystal structures. In addition, quartz can also form a variety of homogeneous variants such as tridymite and cristobalite, which have unique crystal morphologies. 3. Luster and Hardness: Quartz usually has a glassy luster and a high hardness, with a Mohs hardness of 7. 4. Specific Gravity: Different types of quartz ores have different specific gravity due to their different impurity content and crystallization state. 5. Optical Properties: Some quartz ores may show birefringence, that is, light splits into two beams when passing through the mineral. This phenomenon can be detected by polarizing microscope observation. 6. Chemical Analysis: By chemically analyzing a quartz sample, its precise chemical composition can be determined and its type can be further confirmed. 7. X-ray Diffraction Analysis: XRD can be used to determine the crystal structure of quartz, thereby helping to distinguish different quartz variants. 8. Infrared Spectrum Analysis: Different types of quartz may show different absorption peaks on the infrared spectrum, which can be used as a basis for identification. For example, if we encounter quartzite and vein quartz in the field, we can base our identification on their structural characteristics and occurrence. The bedding and block structure of quartzite and the vein-like occurrence of vein quartz are important identification points. In addition, although the color of quartzite is not as bright as vein quartz, its bedding structure helps to identify it. If conditions permit, a magnifying glass can be used to observe the arrangement of quartz particles. The quartz particles in quartzite are usually smaller and more closely arranged. Different types of quartz ores are used to meet the needs of different industrial fields due to their specific physical and chemical properties. At present, the most common industrial fields of quartz ores are mainly electronic information industry and construction industry. Quartz ores are mainly used as raw materials for the following products in the electronic information industry: 1. Semiconductor Wafer Manufacturing: Quartz products play a key role in semiconductor wafer manufacturing, including quartz glass products used in key processes such as diffusion, oxidation, deposition, photolithography, etching and cleaning. These products have the characteristics of high purity, pollution-free, and high temperature resistance, ensuring the quality and performance of semiconductor wafers. 2. Single Crystal Silicon Growth: When producing single crystal silicon, quartz crucibles and quartz devices are indispensable because they can withstand high temperature environments without reacting with silicon. 3. Photolithography and Etching Processes: Quartz materials are used to make tools and containers in photolithography and etching processes, such as quartz sheets, quartz rings, and quartz boats. These tools need to have extremely high purity and chemical corrosion resistance. 4. Optical Fiber Manufacturing: Quartz fiber plays an important role in optical fiber communication. High-purity quartz is a key material for manufacturing quartz optical fiber because it determines the light transmission spectrum of the optical fiber. 5. Electronic Packaging: Quartz materials are also used for packaging electronic components to provide electrical insulation and thermal stability. Because of the physical and chemical properties of quartz stone, such as wear resistance, corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, and easy cleaning, quartz stone is also widely used in the construction industry, as follows: 6. Interior Decoration: Quartz stone can be used as a material for floors and walls, providing beautiful and durable decorative effects. 7. Kitchen Countertops: Quartz is often used as a kitchen countertop material because of its wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant and easy-to-clean properties. 8. Bathroom Walls: Quartz's waterproof and moisture-proof properties make it suitable for bathroom wall paving. 9. Floor Paving: Quartz floor tiles are wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant, and are suitable for floor paving. 10. Commercial Buildings: Quartz is also widely used for interior and exterior decoration in commercial buildings such as shopping malls, hotels, and office buildings. 11. Public Facilities: Quartz is also used as a decorative material in public facilities such as schools, hospitals, and libraries. 12. Building exterior walls: Quartz, as an exterior wall decoration material, can resist external wear and corrosion and maintain long-term beauty. Different industrial applications of quartz have different requirements for the purity and quality of quartz ore, which requires us to sort quartz ore and separate useless minerals and harmful impurities. In addition, quartz ore sorting can also help reduce production costs, improve the comprehensive utilization rate of resources, reduce environmental pollution, and promote the sustainable development of the mining industry. When it comes to quartz sorting, we have to mention the color sorter and AI intelligent sorter launched by Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. If it is used as a raw material for plates, customers generally have requirements for the color and whiteness of quartz ore, and need to remove iron-containing impurities and some other colors of gangue. Mingde color sorter can accurately separate the ore according to the color of the ore and improve the whiteness of quartz. The ore treated by the color sorter can even be directly ground to make plate materials. If it is used to make high-purity quartz sand, the customer's purity requirements for quartz ore are much higher than that of plate raw materials. At this time, we need to use our AI intelligent machine for processing. It can accurately analyze the sorted ore according to the surface characteristics of the extracted good ore, and accurately separate impurities, associated ores, and good ores. Well, today's introduction to different quartz ores is here. Mingde Optoelectronics Sorting Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the research and development, design, manufacturing, sales and service of intelligent sorting, intelligent sorting robots and mining equipment for mining. We have been specializing in the production of sorting equipment for 10 years. If you are interested, please feel free to consult and we will see you another day.
  • A Comprehensive Introduction to Calcium Carbonate A Comprehensive Introduction to Calcium Carbonate Aug 31, 2024
    Calcium carbonate (CaCO3 for short) is an inorganic compound, commonly in the form of white solid powder or granules, and is one of the most abundant substances on earth. It is widely distributed in nature and is the main component of rocks, corals, pearls and the shells of many organisms. Calcium carbonate is chemically insoluble in water, but can release carbon dioxide gas in an acidic environment. Calcium carbonate can be divided into several types according to different production methods, particle size, morphology and uses. The focus of this discussion is to understand the difference between heavy calcium carbonate and light calcium carbonate, both of which are widely used in industrial applications. Heavy calcium carbonate Heavy calcium carbonate (GCC for short) is made by physical methods, usually mechanical crushing of natural minerals such as calcite, limestone, chalk, and shells. It is characterized by irregular particle shape, wide particle size distribution, and an average particle size of 5-10μm. Heavy calcium carbonate has a large bulk density, generally between 0.8-1.3g/cm³, and a low oil absorption value, generally 40-60mL/100g. Light calcium carbonate Light calcium carbonate (PCC for short) is produced by chemical precipitation. Its particles are regular in shape and can be regarded as monodisperse powders. The particle size distribution is narrow and the average particle size is generally 1-3μm. The bulk density of light calcium carbonate is small, generally between 0.5-0.7g/cm³, and the oil absorption value is high, generally 60-90mL/100g. Active calcium carbonate Active calcium carbonate is obtained by surface modification on the basis of ordinary calcium carbonate. It is hydrophobic and suitable for occasions with specific needs. Difference Production method: Heavy calcium carbonate is mainly produced by physical crushing, while light calcium carbonate is produced by chemical precipitation. Particle size and shape: The particle size and shape of heavy calcium carbonate are irregular, while the particle size and shape of light calcium carbonate are regular. Bulk density: The bulk density of heavy calcium carbonate is greater than that of light calcium carbonate. Oil absorption value: The oil absorption value of heavy calcium carbonate is lower, while the oil absorption value of light calcium carbonate is higher. Whiteness: The whiteness of light calcium carbonate is generally higher than that of heavy calcium carbonate. Surface modification: Activated calcium carbonate has been surface modified and is hydrophobic. Industrial application Calcium carbonate is widely used in industry. It can be summarized into the following major areas: 1. Rubber industry In the rubber industry, calcium carbonate is used as a filler and reinforcing agent in large quantities. It can effectively improve the hardness, wear resistance, tensile strength, tear resistance and aging resistance of rubber. In addition, calcium carbonate also helps to reduce production costs and increase the output of rubber products. 2. Plastic industry In the plastic industry, calcium carbonate also plays an important role. It can improve the hardness, wear resistance, heat resistance and weather resistance of plastics, while also reducing production costs and improving production efficiency. 3. Construction industry In the construction industry, calcium carbonate, as a raw material for cement, can significantly improve the compressive strength, flexural strength and durability of cement. It can also improve the construction performance of cement and improve the seismic performance of buildings. 4. Agricultural field In the agricultural field, calcium carbonate is used as a fertilizer and feed additive, which can improve the disease resistance of crops, promote root growth and soil acid-base balance, and also improve the yield and quality of crops. 5. Medical field In the medical field, calcium carbonate is used as a calcium supplement and antacid to treat diseases such as osteoporosis and rickets. It can also be used as a pharmaceutical excipient for the manufacture of tablets, capsules and injections. 6. Environmental protection field In the environmental protection field, calcium carbonate is used as an adsorbent and precipitant to remove harmful substances from water, reduce the hardness of water bodies, and improve water quality. It can also be used in waste gas treatment and soil remediation. 7. Cosmetic industry In the cosmetics industry, calcium carbonate is used as an additive for beauty products, which can improve skin texture, increase skin elasticity, and make the skin smoother and more delicate. 8. Other fields In addition to the above application fields, calcium carbonate is also widely used in ceramics, glass, pigments and other industries. It can improve the hardness, wear resistance, corrosion resistance and transparency of materials and other performance indicators. Processing Processing of light calcium carbonate Light calcium carbonate is produced by chemical reaction precipitation. Its production process mainly includes: Calcination stage: calcine the limestone raw material to generate calcium oxide and carbon dioxide. Digestion stage: put the calcined calcium oxide into a continuous digester and add water to digest it to obtain calcium hydroxide emulsion. Carbonization stage: react the calcium hydroxide emulsion with carbon dioxide to generate calcium carbonate precipitation. Dehydration and drying stage: dehydrate and dry the calcium carbonate precipitation to obtain dry calcium carbonate powder. Crushing and screening stage: crush and grade the dried calcium carbonate through crushing and screening equipment to obtain the product of the required fineness. Packaging stage: package the graded calcium carbonate powder to obtain the final product. Processing of heavy calcium carbonate The production process of heavy calcium carbonate generally includes the following steps: Crushing: use a crusher to coarsely crush raw materials such as calcite for subsequent fine grinding. Sorting: generally use hand selection, magnetic separation equipment or photoelectric separation equipment to remove impurities from the ore. CCD Sensor Based Ore Color Separator The color sorter and artificial intelligence sorting launched by Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. have excellent performance in the sorting of heavy calcium carbonate. They can accurately compare the sorted materials according to the surface characteristics of the ore to achieve accurate sorting. AI Sorting Machine The heavy-duty sorting machine launched by the company can sort large-particle ore, which not only avoids over-crushing of the ore, but also increases the output of ore sorting. Heavy Duty AI Sorting Machine Fine grinding: Fine grinding is carried out by Raymond mill, pendulum mill, roller mill and other equipment to obtain fine limestone powder. Classification: The powder is graded by the classifier, and the powder that meets the particle size requirements is packaged and stored as a product, and the powder that does not meet the requirements is returned to the mill for re-grinding. Packaging and storage: The powder that meets the particle size requirements is packaged and stored to complete the entire production process. As a multifunctional and widely used material, calcium carbonate not only plays an important role in the traditional industrial field, but also shows new possibilities in emerging fields. With the development of science and technology, the application prospects of calcium carbonate will be broader.

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إذا كنت مهتمًا بمنتجاتنا وترغب في معرفة المزيد من التفاصيل ، فالرجاء ترك رسالة هنا ، وسنرد عليك في أقرب وقت ممكن.



